Latest publication

Our latest publication is on reverse hemi hamate arthroplasty in the PIP joint.

The PIP joint is the middle of the three joints of the finger.  Often if there is a fracture that runs into the joint the joint can dislocate also.  Usually the end of the finger falls off the back of the joint (dorsal fracture dislocation, but in the case reported the tip of the finger displaced towards the palm.

We believe that this is the first ever recorded instance of this technique, which is more normally used for the commoner dorsal fracture dislocation, as described above.

The link to the paper is  here.

European Board of Hand Surgery (EBHS) diploma exam course

The 2016 course has just been announced. It will be held in the Doubletree by Hilton hotel in Manchester on Thursday 28 January 2016, just before the instructional course. Please see the BSSH website for the details.

The course will give participants a clear idea of how the exam is conducted and of the types of questions that will arise.  The feedback for this course has been universally excellent.  Last year's feedback may be seen here.


For further details please email Lindsay Muir ( or Miss Angela Rausch at the BSSH (